My domicile
This post is dedicated to the one, only, and always fabulous Constance Bloom. I am sorry if my apartment looks like a pig sty. After much shooting, cleaning, and shooting again I have come to the conclusion that my apartment is simply not photogenic. On that note...

Here we are entering my apartment, which lets you stare straight into the tatami room. This will be further explained later. For now, this is just what you see when you walk in the door.
Directly to your right you would find my washing machine, bathroom, and shower room:

So about that tatami room. Technically it's like a living room that you can't wear your shoes in. However, in my world it means, "my closet," as you can see...

Next we have the kitchen, which doubles as my "study." It looks cluttered. That's because it is. At least there is food in it.

Last but not least we have my bedroom, also known as, "the place where I sleep." It looks messy. It is.

And that's my pad. It's all connected - the bedroom has two doors, one into the tatami room and one into the kitchen. The tatami room also has a door into the kitchen. My apartment has a lot of doors.
So that's that! Welcome to my humble abode.

Here we are entering my apartment, which lets you stare straight into the tatami room. This will be further explained later. For now, this is just what you see when you walk in the door.
Directly to your right you would find my washing machine, bathroom, and shower room:

And that's my pad. It's all connected - the bedroom has two doors, one into the tatami room and one into the kitchen. The tatami room also has a door into the kitchen. My apartment has a lot of doors.
So that's that! Welcome to my humble abode.
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