Merry Christmas Happy New Year Bon Voyage
My how long it has been! My apologies to those (one) of you that I promised I would update before 2007. Things simply did not work out that way. I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I survived my first away from home with no permanent scarring. I spent Christmas day at work, but the weekend before with the Furuyamas. Also, Shiomi was in the city for a night, so I got to see her too. In a few hours I will be leaving for a week, so I am just going to throw these pictures up and hope for the best...or something.
My Christmas tree...well, not MINE, but the closest thing I got to one. Unless you count the night light that I got from my grandma, which upon second thought, I do. So this is the Furuyama Christmas tree.
Christmas feast...mmmm, beef...
Maiko and Reo getting their first fix of Wii, although certainly not their last.
The first Kispy Kreme in Japan opened in Shinjuku a few weeks ago. All I would have had to do is wait in line for a mere four hours and I too could have enjoyed some delicious donut treats. My camera couldn't capture all of the line, which wrapped around the building and across a bridge...but you get the idea.
Shiomi and I in Shibuya
To those of you who wanted pictures of Tokyo "as seen on TV", I give you the following...Shibuya
Christmas lights in Shinjuku
...and more Christmas lights in Shinjuku.
Okay, now it is time for Happy 2007!
Tokyo Tower
people on New Year's...
Woohoo! Happy New Year's!!!
And to close this all out I give you the most hideous rack of shoes I have ever seen in my life.
Okay, I am off to Taiwan. Love and miss you all!

Okay, now it is time for Happy 2007!

Woohoo! Happy New Year's!!!

Okay, I am off to Taiwan. Love and miss you all!
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