Monet in May

I'm baaaaaaaaack...and I brought beer!
Yeah, this picture was taken a long time late April. I'm working on getting caught up. This is at a cafe in Shimokitazawa.
Okay, so I suppose the next "interesting" thing I did was go check out Tokyo Midtown in Roppongi. Here I am getting ready to go say hello to the Monet exhibit:
And pictures of...ya know, whatever...

Okaaay, I guess that is it for now...I'm trying to get caught up with this thing. Which, by the way, does anyone read?? If not, that's cool. It's just an online photo album for myself anyway. But if you DO, leave a freaking comment or I might just start actually printing OFF my pictures. Well...maybe...
PS: I know my format is totally whack. I'm too lazy to care.
At 8:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I want to ride the pirate Ship!
But not after that giant glass of beer!
Looks like a pretty interesting trip.
Someone ordered you into traffic.
Was that one of the learning projects
At 7:51 AM,
Unknown said…
i read your blog. but i stopped checking it when you came home, cuz you hadn't done much in awhile. but anyways... now i am checking for picks from your trip home.
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