Wandering Through Wonderland

I'm here in Japan - wondering what I'm doing, besides thinking of you?

Monday, October 30, 2006

Wow, I am really behind on this thing...

Okay, I guess I'll have to dedicate this one to my father for passing on to me a remarkable power for procrastination. Haha, actually I love him too, so that's another reason. So I can't fully update you, because I think it might cause some of your computers to have heart attacks. I'll post the pictures from the youth camp and Halloween at a later date. Other than those two events, here is some of what I have been up to in October...
So yeah, I went to this with Yuko and Eri...it was cool. Lot's of good food.
The Furuyama's took me camping the first weekend in October. This is Maiko and her friend Ayaka torturing dragon flies. They are not Buddhists (the kids that is, no one thought to ask the flies)

Sun starting to set at the campsite...

The family heading down to the shore of Tokyo Bay

I met up with some of my friends for dinner in honor of Friday the 13th. Well, not really. It was simply a coincidence.
That's Eri, Yuko, and way too much frozen margarita for four girls.
A blurry John and Eri on the streets of Ginza.

So then Maiko and Reo had their sports festival on the 22nd I think it was.

Maiko and her friends...

Cheerleaders cheering...

Reo having some very deep thoughts...
This event is crazy. The kids who are riding the other three have either red or white tags on their foreheads (there are two teams). The kids on top try to grab someone else's tag before they get their own stolen. It is mass chaos.

The girl on the left is Maiko about to face off with some punk.
I didn't get any pictures from the end of the battle, but it was rough. However, in the end Maiko took that chick OUT. If I am ever in a rumble, I want her by my side, because she is totally badass.

On Monday the 24th, we made holiday wreaths with the English club. This was totally thrilling, for everyone involved. Busy work rules.
Actually, now that I look at this, Trevor seems really pumped about his wreath. I should ask him where he decided to display it at home...

And then the next day we carved pumpkins and had a birthday party - all in one day! I know, sounds exhausting, right? The girl with the birthday cake, well, it was her birthday. Everyone else helped carve the pumpkin. I got out of it by being the photographer. I am sneaky...

Okay, that's it for now... thanks to everyone who cares enough to look at my random pictures!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Shinagawa Aquarium

This post is dedicated to Lacy and Dale, because without them my morning cup of coffee would be painfully dull. I must also dedicate it to FEJM (even though he doesn't read this) and JRBAN, because I took pictures for them at the aqarium. Heck let's throw Andrew and Martha in their too, as I also dedicate a couple of pictures to them.

This picture is for Jared. I was thinking you might want to start a project with the fish...HAHA, damn I'm funny.
This one is for FEJM. I was thinking maybe you were that fish. ZING, I am on fire tonight!
Here are Maiko and Yoshiharu, eagerly awaiting the start of the dophin show. Yoshiharu is at the edge of his seat, as you all can see.
This fish is really lazy. I think he is also very crabby, perhaps because he seems too fat to move.
This picture is dedicated to Dale and Lacy, because this is what we would look like hanging out if we were crabs. I am the one dancing in the background, and Lacy is the one trying to do a sommersault. Dale is pretending he doesn't know us.
This is another fish that doesn't move. In fact, I think it might have been dead.

This is what my bathroom floor looks like before I clean it. Also, that thing was really freakin' big.

These are of me, my stand-in siblings, and a lot of fish. They (the siblings, not the fish) are a lot like Andrew and Martha if they were to do a lot speed maybe, only a bit shorter and more Asian than I am used to. For those reasons, these pictures are dedicated to Bro and Sis (the real ones). I miss you guys.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My domicile

This post is dedicated to the one, only, and always fabulous Constance Bloom. I am sorry if my apartment looks like a pig sty. After much shooting, cleaning, and shooting again I have come to the conclusion that my apartment is simply not photogenic. On that note...

Here we are entering my apartment, which lets you stare straight into the tatami room. This will be further explained later. For now, this is just what you see when you walk in the door.

Directly to your right you would find my washing machine, bathroom, and shower room:

So about that tatami room. Technically it's like a living room that you can't wear your shoes in. However, in my world it means, "my closet," as you can see...

Next we have the kitchen, which doubles as my "study." It looks cluttered. That's because it is. At least there is food in it.

Last but not least we have my bedroom, also known as, "the place where I sleep." It looks messy. It is.

And that's my pad. It's all connected - the bedroom has two doors, one into the tatami room and one into the kitchen. The tatami room also has a door into the kitchen. My apartment has a lot of doors.

So that's that! Welcome to my humble abode.